Monday, September 5, 2011


Tuesday. March 2, 2010, 4PM

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, or buenos dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches ( is these right, dear Spanish-speaking friends here at FB? ) - and from the beautiful land where I came home,the Pearl of the Orient Seas, ang pinakamamahal kong bayang Pilipinas, THE PHILIPPINES, ---magandang umaga, magandang tanghali, magandang gabi po sa inyong lahat!!!! Wherever, whatever, whoever, you are at this moment!! BEEN ABSENT FROM FB, THE PAST MANY DAYS... OBEYING THE GREAT COMMISSION MANDATE OF OUR LORD CHRIST JESUS, in different places here in THE BAY AREA, of San Francisco! It's 11:54 am here in South SanFo.. For all those who have prayed and sent me love gifts and notes, while I am away, my deep-felt gratitude for all of you!!!! I checked in my e-mails and FB messages, and ha ha ha!!! They're quite a handful!! For all pur BEAUTIFUL FB FAMILY, THIS IS TO LET YOU KNOW THAT ALL OF YOU OF YOU ARE INCLUDED IN OUR PRAYER/INTERCESSORY GROUP.. DO NOT REALLY KNOW EACH OTHER PERSONALLY, AND WE ARE IN GEOGRAPHIC AND TIME DIFFERENCES, BUT WE KNOW THAT ALL OF US BELONG TO THE FAMILY OF GOD... THAT WE HAVE KINDRED SPIRITS..THOSE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD AND KNOW HIS WORDS KNOW THE URGENCY OF THE TIMES..AND EACH OF US HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE CALL/CALLINGS IN OUR LIVES.( ROMANS 11:29.) GOD IS REVEALING TO US SLOWLY.. BUT SURELY... THAT THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES ARE NEAR. ( MATTHEW 24 - SIGNS OF THE END OF THE AGE.) IT IS NOT ABOUT US ANYMORE... IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM....SO MANY SOULS... SO LITTLE TIME...MAY THE GOD WHO GAVE US THE MANDATE OF THE GREAT COMMISSION as written in MATTHEW 28: 18-20 ). And GAVE US THE ROLE THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO PLAY, as written in MATTHEW 5: 13-16,) QUICKEN OUR SPIRITS THAT WE ARE THE SALT AND LIGHT OF THIS WONDERFUL BLUE PLANET EARTH, FINDS US WORTHY...IF NOT FOR US... FOR THE GENERATIONS YET TO COME... IN CHRIST JESUS NAME, OUR MESSIAH YESHUA, AMEN and AMEN! SHALOM!*< lua... ( loveualways.) Note: All Scripture quoted here- are taken from the NIV.)

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