SILENT NIGHT... HOLY NIGHT... ALL IS CALM.. ALL IS BRIGHT... Last two Saturdays ago, in one of our blessed, joyful " SHABBATH " fellowship, Evelyn Dwyer, who is celebrating her " birthday' tomorrow ( December 08, 09,) shared something to us, which somehow stirred up" our spirits,( and brought me down memory lanes.) As " facilitator' of our group, I told then about that time, many years back when we had a " PRAYER SESSION" at our beloved church, Word for the World Christian Fellowship, at Valero St., Makati, Philippines. Sister Amy Pecson, was the Prayer Ministry Head, at that time.. It was the early 80's.. She said something like this... " THERE WILL COME A TIME IN YOUR LIFE, WHEN YOU ARE GOING DEEP IN YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, THAT YOU WILL ASK GOD, WHY HE GAVE YOU - " YOUR NAME!"
Almost all of us, were " new" in the faith, in our " being born-again experience," so I don't know how others took what she said, but being " so hungry for the God of the Bible," for things, said and done, by the " leaders" always leaves, an "impression" on me. And as I was reading God's Word, each passing day, I learned in Genesis, that when Abraham, was yet childless, his name was ABRAM.. And his barren wife, was called " SARAI." Later, after all that has been said and done, and after many years of seemingly " impossible waiting," finally, and finally, they have had a " child" they named ISAAC. ( laughter.)Because Sarai, laughed, when the " prophecy' was given to them, by the Angel of the Lord..God made TRUE, what HE has promised, because the ONE who made the " PROMISE" was " FAITHFUL! ( There are other instances, when God changed the name - like Jacob, the " supplanter and liar, to ISRAEL, etc.)
Of course, the only " two people" who could tell me the " reason" for giving me my name, was my parents!! Both of them were still alive then. And I praise and thank God, for their' story" so, it made me understand the " whys" of my birth.. ( more on this later.) So, in this regard, I gave an assignment to our group, " start praying... meditating.. and ask God why God allowed your parents to give you, your " Name!" This somehow, startled the group... The many " whys" were asked..But I said.. just do it... and later" you will be amazed!!! It is clearly written in God's Word in PSALM 139: 13- " FOR YOU CREATED MY INMOST BEING, YOU KNIT ME TOGETHER IN MY MOTHER'S WOMB, 14- I WILL PRAISE YOU BECAUSE I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE, YOUR WORKS ARE WONDERFUL, I KNOW THAT FULL WELL. 15 MY FRAME WAS NOT HIDDEN FROM YOU WHEN I WAS MADE IN THE SECRET PLACE. WHEN I WAS WOVEN IN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, 16 YOUR EYES SAW MY UNFORMED BODY. ALL THE DAYS ORDAINED FOR ME WRE WRITTEN IN YOUR BOOK BEFORE ONE OF THEM CAME TO BE..
The " assignment" LED US TO THE STUDY, not of our own name, but that NAME THAT IS ABOVE ALL NAMES!!! And that NAME is CHRIST JESUS, our MESSIAH YESHUA, our LORD AND SAVIOR! CHRIST JESUS, the MESSIAH YESHUA of ISRAEL.. ISAIAH 7: ( UNDER THE HEADING - THE SIGN OF IMMANUEL." Then Isaiah said- " Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 THEREFORE THE LORD HIMSELF WILL GIVE YOU A SIGN: THE VIRGIN WILL BE WITH CHILD, AND WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A SON, AND WILL CALL HIM IMMANUEL ( IMMANUEL MEANS- GOD WITH US). When the " Name - IMMANUEL" was given in ISAIAH 7, HE now gave the " ROLE OF THAT GOD IN US" as written in ISAIAH 9:6,( under the heading - " FOR TO US A CHILD IS BORN,( Luke 2:11, TO US A SON IS GIVEN, ( John 3:16,) AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS, ( Matthew 28:18,) AND HE WILL BE CALLED WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, ( Isaiah 10:21; 11:2,) EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE. ( Luke 2:14; John 14: 9-10.) NIV. Study His Name, and God will give you insight/s on why HE allowed your parents to give you, your given name! Try it, you will be amazed!!! AWESOME GOD!!!! SHALOM!*< lua...
Almost all of us, were " new" in the faith, in our " being born-again experience," so I don't know how others took what she said, but being " so hungry for the God of the Bible," for things, said and done, by the " leaders" always leaves, an "impression" on me. And as I was reading God's Word, each passing day, I learned in Genesis, that when Abraham, was yet childless, his name was ABRAM.. And his barren wife, was called " SARAI." Later, after all that has been said and done, and after many years of seemingly " impossible waiting," finally, and finally, they have had a " child" they named ISAAC. ( laughter.)Because Sarai, laughed, when the " prophecy' was given to them, by the Angel of the Lord..God made TRUE, what HE has promised, because the ONE who made the " PROMISE" was " FAITHFUL! ( There are other instances, when God changed the name - like Jacob, the " supplanter and liar, to ISRAEL, etc.)
Of course, the only " two people" who could tell me the " reason" for giving me my name, was my parents!! Both of them were still alive then. And I praise and thank God, for their' story" so, it made me understand the " whys" of my birth.. ( more on this later.) So, in this regard, I gave an assignment to our group, " start praying... meditating.. and ask God why God allowed your parents to give you, your " Name!" This somehow, startled the group... The many " whys" were asked..But I said.. just do it... and later" you will be amazed!!! It is clearly written in God's Word in PSALM 139: 13- " FOR YOU CREATED MY INMOST BEING, YOU KNIT ME TOGETHER IN MY MOTHER'S WOMB, 14- I WILL PRAISE YOU BECAUSE I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE, YOUR WORKS ARE WONDERFUL, I KNOW THAT FULL WELL. 15 MY FRAME WAS NOT HIDDEN FROM YOU WHEN I WAS MADE IN THE SECRET PLACE. WHEN I WAS WOVEN IN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, 16 YOUR EYES SAW MY UNFORMED BODY. ALL THE DAYS ORDAINED FOR ME WRE WRITTEN IN YOUR BOOK BEFORE ONE OF THEM CAME TO BE..
The " assignment" LED US TO THE STUDY, not of our own name, but that NAME THAT IS ABOVE ALL NAMES!!! And that NAME is CHRIST JESUS, our MESSIAH YESHUA, our LORD AND SAVIOR! CHRIST JESUS, the MESSIAH YESHUA of ISRAEL.. ISAIAH 7: ( UNDER THE HEADING - THE SIGN OF IMMANUEL." Then Isaiah said- " Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 THEREFORE THE LORD HIMSELF WILL GIVE YOU A SIGN: THE VIRGIN WILL BE WITH CHILD, AND WILL GIVE BIRTH TO A SON, AND WILL CALL HIM IMMANUEL ( IMMANUEL MEANS- GOD WITH US). When the " Name - IMMANUEL" was given in ISAIAH 7, HE now gave the " ROLE OF THAT GOD IN US" as written in ISAIAH 9:6,( under the heading - " FOR TO US A CHILD IS BORN,( Luke 2:11, TO US A SON IS GIVEN, ( John 3:16,) AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS, ( Matthew 28:18,) AND HE WILL BE CALLED WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, ( Isaiah 10:21; 11:2,) EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE. ( Luke 2:14; John 14: 9-10.) NIV. Study His Name, and God will give you insight/s on why HE allowed your parents to give you, your given name! Try it, you will be amazed!!! AWESOME GOD!!!! SHALOM!*< lua...
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